Monday, April 9, 2012

Journal Entry 13

Come bring in the Spring with The Three T's!!!! April 30th at 12noon the Three T's will be having their annual spring cookout in the patio area of the facility. We invite all parents to come participate and jump into spring with us. We will have many outside activites for the children to take part in, and information on upcoming events will be discussed with our parents. The fire department will be there to give information on fire saftey for the spring and show ways to prepare for severe weather. They will also take the children on a tour of the FIRE TRUCK!! This a great way to jump start spring and get caught up on all the news that you could use to help make your child's education experience a success! We look forward to seeing you there!

Journal Entry 12

John is a shy child, playing solitarily within the areas of choice. Mom's very concern with him interacting with others and his social skills. John has made progress in social skills. I buddie him up with another child who was experiencing the same weakness. He will work alongside of one another as he progress I encouraged him to add a friend to his circle nof friends.

John's area of interest is the block area and he focus on building tower, constructing, buildings of various, with most of the designs being along the line of matrix, full of color, size variation, texture; such as mixing plastic legos with wooden blocks, tounge depressures, or the snap sticks. All of these enhances his visual design.

John now gets excited when he is praised for his work and when he is encouraged to invite a friend of choice. John has learned to play with each of his classmates; which has helped his shyness now become a child who feel loved by all, and give warmth and love to all as well.

One step at a time, finding a child with similarity and encouragement to try a new and unfamiliar task.

Allow John to choose activity that involve two or more children and to do activities of his choice as a family.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Journal Entry 11

I am a person that learns better by hands on experience, it is much better retained when im actually hands on with the project.

My parents who are visual I will use visual aids to help communicate with them through the use of the parent bulletin bord, newsletters, and posted notes on the sign in sheets.

I can reach my auditory parents through daily reminders upon arrival and departure as well as a phone call.

For my kinesthic parents I will have a text reminder to their phones, write it on their calenders, and place them on a committee to help organize so that the act of being an participant will enhance their memory hand on the evernt or situation.

Journal Entry 10

Health Alert: The common cold is caused by many different viruses. Children under age five are expected to get cold several times a year. Runny and stuffy nose, snezzing, coughing, sore throat, and feaver are all sign of a common cold. Colds are spred my coughing, snezzing and contact with contamined hands or items. To help prevent the spread of common colds we ask that you practice good handwashing habitis at home with your child, teach them the importance of covering their nmouth when sneezing and coughing.

All of these skills will be implemented and pracited at school as well. If you notice any of these signs in your child please make the staff aware, and at any point the sympotoms worsen always check with your childs doctor.

Journal Entry 9

Summer Policy:
Our childrens saftey is very important, we take every step to ensure that the saftey of our children is taken into count not only by our staff but parents as well. Our playground is cushioned with wood chips, and due to the seasonal change there will be more outdoors play. Remember to dress your child in closed toe shoes to prevent any accidents on the playground.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Journal Entry 8

Macy 04 
Lindsey 04/13
Erica 04/24

      The Three T’s Express
             Three Terrific Toddlers            


The Week of the young Child, April 22nd-28th

All children are unique in their very own way. Take time out with your child to let them know how important they are to you and the whole family.
Week of the Young Child is held each year to honor young children and thank teachers and all those who make a difference in young children’s lives. The theme for WOYC 2012 is: Early Years Are Learning Years There are a number of events planned for this event for more information on how you can join the fun visit       


Special Events:

· April  3, 2012-Field Trip to Orr Family Farm
· April 5, 2012-Easter Egg Hunt
· April 27, 2012– Spring Fashion Show
· Note: Parent volunteers are needed. Please sign up with your child’s teacher


Please write your child’s  name  on  their personal belongings jackets, backpacks, etc.. They have a cubby where they can put their things while at school. Please send an extra change of clothes for your child in case of an accident , also please do not allow your child to bring toys from home.
Due to the seasonal change there will be more outdoors play. Remember to wear closed toe shoes

Monthly Facts
Monthly Theme: Spring Time and You
Ethnic Theme: Asia
Health Theme: Nutrition and you
Letter to Review: I-P
Numbers: 45-50
Shape: Oval
Color: Yellow

Thank you for your support of our class . Ms. McClarty

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Journal Entry 7

On this episode of What Not to Wear they had a 32 year old Mmommy Blogger by the name of Amanda. Amnda started her own parenting blog that has now become very successful; however she sufferes from serious self-esteem issues. Since having her first child at the age of 22 she has put taking care and love herslelf on the back burner. Amanda felt that since now having three children her weight just made her unattractive and not beautiful at all. She felt that since she worked behind the computer that what she wore on a daily basis really was important. Amanda's wardrobe consissted of sweats, t-shirts, tennis shoes, and oversized clothes. She used her blogging persona as the persona she wants to be but is not confident to be. When she went on the shopping spree and begain to try on the clothes she said may negative things about herself that was hamful but she said it with a smile. When asked why is she smiling when saying negative things she stated that there is a difference in a happy smile, sad smile, or a inappropriate smile.

The dressing tips that they gave her was to just take a little more time on focusing on herself to help enhance her self-esteem and confidence, and learn how to take compliments as a compliment not as a negative point. They advised her that dresses are good for mothers because they are one piece and easy to put on and go, and since most women that have children has a pouch afterwards defining their waist line and small point is what is important when looking for something that will look good to wear. They also told her that wearing a traditional jacket takes a outfit to casual from business and thats is a good piece to add, along with accessories to add color. Amanda's hair was very curly and she had a lot of it, so they added layers, and volume to enhance movemnent to accent her already beautiful curl  and to add softness, and body to fit her personality, at the same time creating a time saver hairstyle. She never learned how to wear makeup so they showed her a very simple way to add makeup to her everyday look and look presentable.

This episode I feel was a good episode that is much needed for alot of mothers because after having children alot of them have to deal with the stress of being bigger than what they were before children, and at times that can become overwhelming and cause them to fall off from taking care of themselves. Self-esteem is exactally what is say it is self feeling; they way one feels about themself, and noone give you self-esteem but you. So feeling beautiful, loving, sexy, etc.... all starts within yourself and this episode was not only a clothing change for Amanda but it was a self-esteem and life changing experience for her. She statated that now she know how important it is for her to feel good because it reflects on how her children and family will feel as well.